Deutsch English Data sheets by Hense Wägetechnik GmbH Here you can find the technical data of our products as download. Navigation: Data sheets Vessel Weighing Data sheets Belt Scales Data sheets Solid Flow Measurement Data sheets Standard Scales Safemount General arrangement drawing 5t to 30t 40t 50t to 60t 100t to 150t 5t to 30t - Anti Lift off 40t - Anti Lift off Baby Safemount General arrangement drawing to 7.5t Other TÜV Certificate Load table Cleanmount General arrangement drawing to 25 kg 5 kg to 75 kg Clevermount General arrangement drawing to 2.5t Compactmount General arrangement drawing 20kg 50kg to 250kg 250kg to 500kg 1.000kg to 2.000kg Direct consultation: +49 (0) 29 61 – 96 56 86 TLC 95 General arrangement drawing to 10t T33 General arrangement drawing to 6t Weight Disc General arrangement drawing 2t to 10t Direct consultation: +49 (0) 29 61 – 96 56 86 Belt Scales General arrangement drawing BW 20 BW 10 Data sheet BW 20 BW 10 Optical Belt Scale Data sheet Optical belt scale We are delighted to offer personal assistance with your planning Uncomplicated, individual and practice-oriented Start to plan FlowSlide Data sheet Maxi Flowslide Flowslide 700 Baby Flowslide MIC-Flowmeter Other MIC Installation drawing MIC Data sheet Intelligent Load Cell Junction Box Other Overview Intelligent junction box Data sheet Intelligent junction box Status 290S Data sheet Status 290S Direct consultation: +49 (0) 29 61 – 96 56 86 Target 260S Data sheet Target 260S Platform Scales Data sheet Small platforms Large platforms Wireless platforms Pallet weighers Crane Scales Data sheet Standard Heavy Duty 3t to 50t Pallet Truck Scales Data sheet Standard Touch Weighing Pallet Truck Data sheet Pallet Truck Scales Weighing Rails Data sheet Weighing rails Weighing Module General arrangement drawing 200t to 350t
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